Terms and Conditions

wedalliance.com   the site are owned and operated by Ameha Global India Private Limited ( Company)  henceforth referred to as website/platform provides a personalized matrimonial service to Indian citizens, people of Indian Origin, and Non-resident Indians and global citizens.

The site wedalliance.com  is owned and operated by company Ameha Global India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as company) which term shall for the purpose hereof be deemed to include its partner, director, officers, employee, agent and any person vested with any responsibility for any task relating to the affairs of the company with its registered office located Office Number – 322 Signature Global Mall Vaishali sector 3 Near Mahagun mall Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh – 201010 INDIA.                      

By using the website you are agreeing to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in its entirety without any exception. The Terms and Conditions may be changed by company at any time solely at its own discretion. Company may offer additional services or revise any of the services, at its discretion, and this agreement will apply to all additional services or revised Services. Company also reserves the right to cease offering of any of the services. If you continue using the service it implicitly constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and any revisions. The date of any revisions will be posted at the end of the agreement.

This agreement accepted upon use of the site and further affirmed by becoming a member of the wedalliance.com  service, contains the entire agreement between you and company regarding the use of the site and/or the service. If any provision of this agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

By becoming a member of wedalliance.com  and/or using the services of the site, you unconditionally and irrevocably confirm that you have read and understood the terms and conditions set forth and agree to abide by them.


In order to register for this service with wedalliance.com  , you have to meet the legal marriageable age of 18 years for women and 21 years for men as per the laws of India. By registering for  wedalliance.com Services and by using the website, you confirmed that you have the right,  consent, authority and legal capacity to enter into an agreement and to provide all necessary details to enable  to effectively render its services. You further confirm that you are not violating any legal or personal obligation by providing the details sought by us and that you further consent and agree to our providing all the details, including but not limited to personal information divulged by you to prospective candidates and their parents / agents for the purposes of finding a suitable match / partner as agreed as per the company scheme / package for which you have subscribed, and that you will not make any claim whatsoever against us for using the information divulged by you to other prospective candidates and their parents/ agents as per the agreed scheme / package. You further confirm by entering into the website and by using our services that there is no legal obligation or court order restraining you from divulging or disclosing all details that you will need to disclose to for wedalliance.com   to effectively render services to you as per the applicable package / scheme subscribed by you.

Further, by signing up and submitting your details it is implicitly implied that you are disclosing the facts as they exist and are not misconstruing or concealing any information. This includes but is not limited to information about age, marital status, employment, citizenship, work rights etc.

By registering for wedalliance.com services you confirm that you have the right and legal capacity to enter into this agreement and are not violating any legal or personal situation.

In the event that you are representing someone else and subscribing to this service on their behalf, you, without any reservation are confirming that you have the legal right on behalf of and the permission by the person on whose behalf or for whom you are registering.

If at any time it comes to the knowledge of wedalliance.com that you have violated any of the above, or have misrepresented any facts, wedalliance.com has the right to terminate your membership with immediate effect. In such a case, your membership fees will be forfeited in total and wedalliance.com may also decide to proceed with legal proceedings against you due to the harm your action of falsifying information has caused to the reputation of wedalliance.com.

Conditions of Use of Site & Service

By using wedalliance.com you agree to assume all liability regarding the authenticity, legality and accuracy of all the information provided by you or anyone who is creating your profile on the site. wedalliance.com can does conduct investigation or check, including to a person’s background, legal or credit status, or, criminal history. The entire responsibility is on you to declare the facts accurately without misleading or concealing. If someone else opens an account for you it is assumed that the person has the required permission to do so from you and is acting on your behalf with your consent. While wedalliance.com will do its best to find a suitable match for you as per your preference, it does not make any guarantees, either expressly or implied regarding the number of matches, the frequency of the matches , the success of the matches or the immediate or ultimate compatibility with individuals that you meet through its service. By accessing our website and by subscribing to our services, you confirm and understand that there is no 100% guarantee that wedalliance.com will be able to get a suitable partner. By accessing our website and by subscribing to our services, you further confirm and understand that matchmaking is a slow process and sometimes there can be a month or multiple months without a profile being sent and that the speed of the search is determined by the criteria set up by you.

wedalliance.com is not responsible for the conduct of the people you meet during the search, nor in any way for how you react to a match meeting set up for you, as the final decision of meeting is made by you. There are risks associated with meeting or communicating with people both offline and online and you assume all risks involved when entering into this service. The onus and responsibility of taking all necessary precautions to safeguard yourself against personal and professional harm is wholly and solely yours.

As wedalliance.com provides a personalized search service you will be contacted from time to time either via email, phone, Skype or other means or channels of communication so as to enable wedalliance.com to carry out its services effectively. During your membership tenure, you do not have the option to opt out of receiving this communication, as wedalliance.com will not be able to continue to provide this service to you without the required communication channels. In order to provide its service, wedalliance.com will forward your profile details to other members and on some occasions even post them on other media sites. You agree that this is necessary and acceptable in order to broaden the reach and find the right match for you. wedalliance.com has the right to remove any content that you have submitted, if it is found to be of an objectionable nature. You agree that your account is for your personal use and is non-transferable. You are also solely responsible for protecting your account from misuse.

You will not use the services provided by wedalliance.com for anything illegal or to cause any harm to anyone else, without any exception. Furthermore, the wedalliance.com platform cannot be used for any commercial solicitation. Any illegal or unauthorized use of wedalliance.com, including unauthorized framing will be investigated and the harshest course of legal action will be taken, without limitation. You will inform wedalliance.com of any change in your life is it personal or professional, who might have a direct or indirect bearing on your ability and eligibility with regard to the services that wedalliance.com, offers. wedalliance.com has a very strict, zero tolerance policy for any sort of harassment of its employees or any appointed third party agents providing a service to you.

You will not use wedalliance.com to advertise or solicit any products or services. You give wedalliance.com the complete right, without any exclusion, to use the information you have put on your profile or shared either during a conversation or meeting in person, as wedalliance.com deems fit, either to promote the wedalliance.com brand and services or to actively look for potential candidates.

Violation of any of the terms of use may result in wedalliance.com pursuing the maximum legal action available, including but not limited to civil, criminal and injunctive redress.

Terms & Termination

You may terminate your membership at any time for any reason, by writing to wedalliance.com. If you choose to terminate your membership, you will not be entitled to a refund of any unutilized subscription fees paid by you. Equally, wedalliance.com may terminate your access to the site and/or your membership if found in breach of the terms and conditions agreement or the privacy policy, effective immediately, by sending a notice to you at the email address provided by you. If wedalliance.com terminates your membership for breach of terms of this agreement, you will not be entitled to any refund of any unused subscription fees.

Refund Policy

There is no refund that is given at any stage and under any circumstances.

Proprietary Rights

The content that you submit to wedalliance.com is then owned by wedalliance.com. wedalliance.com has the unconditional right, including but not limited to use, share, distribute and publicly display, or advertise in other matrimonial adverts, any part or all of the information submitted either on the wedalliance.com site, or shared with its members and third party agents, who provide a service to improve the experience of its members.

All the information on wedalliance.com, including but not limited to copyrighted material, trademark or other proprietary information, is owned by wedalliance.com and any attempt to copy, modify, use, sell, distribute, or publish this will be considered a strict violation of this agreement and will result in immediate termination of membership as well as legal action. All content on wedalliance.com including but not limited to text, design, concept, images, and logos is the property of wedalliance.com and is protected by copyright laws.

Membership Access/Rights

wedalliance.com has the right to refuse you membership without having to provide a reason, as wedalliance.com has certain eligibility criteria that one needs to meet, which are based on the information that is provided by you.

Your membership is valid for the duration of your subscription package, unless terminated earlier either by yourself or wedalliance.com. In either case, there is no refund of any money for any unutilized duration of membership. Once your membership expires or is terminated, you will be unable to access any of your shared or saved information.

wedalliance.com has the right to place matrimonial classifieds in newspapers or other media at its own discretion if it believes it is in the best interest of the member. This will be based on the information you have provided wedalliance.com and you are solely responsible for the information provided. In addition, wedalliance.com may contact other people who are either members of wedalliance.com or externally through other media or personal channels with a view to broadening the search, in an attempt to find the best match for you.

wedalliance.com reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other members. wedalliance.com also reserves the right to take appropriate action against errant members. However, wedalliance.com is not obliged to share such action with other members, including complainants.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless wedalliance.com sites and services, employees, directors, agents and all related third parties from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses including reasonable legal fees and disbursements against or incurred by wedalliance.com resulting out of any breach or non-performance of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made or obligation to be performed or arising out of any third party claim that (a) your use of or inability to use the site or services, (b) any user postings made by you, (c) your violation of any terms of this agreement or your violation of any rights of a third party, or (d) your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. You further confirm that you are not violating any legal or personal obligation by providing the details sought by us and that you further consent and agree to our providing all the details, including but not limited to personal information divulged by you to prospective candidates and their parents / agents for the purposes of finding a suitable match / partner as agreed as per the wedalliance.com scheme / package for which you have subscribed, and that you will not make any claim whatsoever against us for using the information divulged by you to other prospective candidates and their parents/ agents as per the agreed scheme / package. wedalliance.com expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility whatsoever arising out of the information divulged by you while entering into our website and /or subscribing to our services and any and all liability that may arise in relation to the information divulged by you will be yours. By entering into wedalliance.com website and by subscribing to wedalliance.com services, you confirm that you will not divulge the information provided to you by wedalliance.com to any third party without express written approval from wedalliance.com, as the same is confidential in nature and in the event the said information is divulged to any third party, the same will cause immense prejudice and harm not only to holder / owner of such information, but also to wedalliance.com.

You shall be solely and exclusively liable for any breach of any country specific rules and regulations or general code of conduct and wedalliance.com cannot be held responsible for the same.

wedalliance.com reserves the right, at its own cost, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will fully cooperate with wedalliance.com in asserting any available defences.


You are solely responsible for the safety and security of your account.

wedalliance.com is not in any way responsible for any damage caused; personal, professional, emotional or physical, as a result of you using the site or in your communications either online or offline with other matches.

wedalliance.com liability is limited only to the extent of the membership fees that has been paid by the member.

Limitation on Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will:

wedalliance.com is liable for any incidental, special, consequential or indirect damages arising out of or relating to the use or inability to use the services, including, without limitation, damages for loss or corruption of data or programs, service interruptions and procurement of substitute services, even if wedalliance.com knows or has been advised of the possibility of such damages. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances will wedalliance.com’s aggregate liability, in any form of action whatsoever in connection with this agreement or the use of the services or the site exceed the price paid by you for your service.

wedalliance.com be held responsible for information provided by a member. wedalliance.com does verify any information that is provided by you and cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate or false information provided by a member. As it does not control the content posted via the service and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such content. Under no circumstances will wedalliance.com be liable in any way for any content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the service.



In the event of any dispute involving wedalliance.com and its services, you unconditionally accept that all such disputes will be governed and decided by the laws of India and the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in GHAZIABAD/ New Delhi, India, if your location is India.

Sharing of information & Third Parties

wedalliance.com has a presence in social media and from time to time will promote wedalliance.com services on it by actively engaging you. If you choose to connect your wedalliance.com account to any social network you stand the risk of making your information public. It is important that you understand clearly the Terms and Conditions of the social media site before you make a decision, as wedalliance.com is not responsible for any third party action.

The wedalliance.com Site may contain links to other third party web sites, which are not under the control of wedalliance.com, and wedalliance.com is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such web sites. wedalliance.com provides these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply that wedalliance.com endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content on such third-party web sites.

Privacy Policy

Please carefully read the wedalliance.com Privacy Policy before you accept the Terms and Conditions agreement. By accepting you are implicitly implying that you have read the policy and abide by it without any exceptions.

Acceptance Policy & Changes

Acceptance Policy: By using this website, you agree to the terms of these Terms & Conditions. Any use of the website implies the acceptance of the entire Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Changes: wedalliance.com reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes made will be posted on this statement. Please make sure you check our Terms & Conditions and privacy policy before confirming anything. Your continued use of any portion of our website following posting of the updated privacy statement will constitute your acceptance of the changes.


In case of any questions or any complaints you can contact us via email or offline at:

Email: info@wedalliaance.com

India: +91 8506 0909 86

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